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Detective Conan
Rating 8.17

Detective Conan

A young student in High school, Shinichi Kudou is famous for his detective skills. As a student, he solved various problems and cases and was famous for that. One day, he went out and saw some illegal acts that made him the only witness of that and unluckily he got caught. They gave him drugs and left for dying but then he woke up as a seven-year-old boy. He was in the body of a seven-year-old boy but had the same mental status.

He then decided to hide all this from his family until he found a way back to his body. He takes a name from his favorite novelist, Conan, and becomes Detective Conan. He solved various murder mysteries and cases and went in search of that drug.

Status: Ongoing Studio: Released: Jan 8, 1996 to ? Duration: 24 min Season: Type: TV Show Posted by: 9animetv Released on: Updated on:


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